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Why Choose SR22 OHIO?

Three people are racing, two with laptops and and one is holding a steering wheel signifying the speed of reinstating your license.


  • Quick Online Quotes
  • Instant SR22 Bonds
  • Same Day E File to BMV
  • Swift Expert Service
  • Start Anytime, Anywhere 
two heads, one abstract and one organized representing simple process


  • Simple Hassle-free process
  • Short Quote Form
  • Secure Online Payments
  • SR22 sent to your phone
  • Designed for Simplicity
A happy man gives a thumbs up while holding a piggy bank, expressing joy about saving money on his SR22 Bond.


  • Budget-friendly SR22 Bonds
  • Easy Monthly Installments
  • We compare Top Providers
  • No Extra Fees, transparent
  • Quality Service at Lowest Price
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  • Licensed SR22 Specialists
  • BBB Accredited Rated A+
  • Top Insurance Companies
  • Consistent & Dependable
  • Over 48 years of Experience

A Great Rate is Just a Click Away!

What Our Clients Are Saying

General SR22 Bond Questions

What is an SR-22?

An SR-22 (also called an SR22 bond, SR-22 filing, or SR22 insurance) is a certificate filed by an insurance company to prove that you have the state required liability coverage. It’s required for most BMV-ordered suspensions, such as those for 12-point violations, hit-and-run, driving without insurance, noncompliance, DUI, and more.

The SR-22 shows that you have at least the minimum liability coverage required by Ohio law. It also requires the insurance company to notify the BMV if the coverage is canceled. This helps the BMV make sure drivers follow Ohio’s Financial Responsibility Laws.

What is an FR/SR22 Bond?

The SR22 or FR Bond was designed for people with suspensions who want the minimum coverage required by the BMV to get their driving and registration privileges back. 

In Ohio, the minimum liability coverage required includes:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury per person
  • $50,000 for bodily injury per accident
  • $25,000 for property damage

Like car insurance, the SR22 Bond covers injuries and property damage you cause in an accident. However, it follows you as a driver, not a specific car. It covers any 4-wheel passenger car you use for personal driving, whether you own the car or not.

Why do I need an SR22?

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) will notify you if you need an SR22. Common reasons include driving without insurance, multiple traffic violations, or a DUI conviction. You can view your driving record and any reinstatement requirements at

How long do I have to keep an SR22 Bond?

In Ohio, the typical requirement is three years. However, the exact duration depends on the reason for the requirement and the terms set by the Ohio BMV.

Can I get an SR22 bond if my license is suspended?

Yes, obtaining an SR22 bond is often part of the process to reinstate a suspended license. We can guide you through the steps required by the Ohio BMV.

Can I get an SR22 if I have a bad driving record?

Yes. While a poor driving record may make finding affordable insurance harder, our experts at use state-of-the-art software to help you find the best rates.

Cost and Payments

Will an SR22 affect my car insurance rates?

Yes, having an SR22 requirement typically increases your insurance rates. At, we specialize in finding you the lowest possible rates for your SR22 bond.

How much does an SR22 Bond cost?

The cost of an SR22 bond varies depending on factors like your driving record, age, marital status and location.

Will my rate change after I have been quoted?

No, we run all reports and only quote prices that we know will be accurate. All insurance companies adjust their rates from time to time. If you don’t complete your purchase soon, be sure to check back to make sure there have been no changes.

How do I find the cheapest SR22 bond in Ohio?

At, we use advanced comparative rating software to shop from top-rated insurance companies. Our goal is to find you the lowest price without additional agency fees.

What are Additional Agency Fees?

Additional Agency Fees are extra charges added by an insurance agency to your down payment, above what the insurance company requires to start coverage. These fees can range from $15 to over $100. While they are legal in Ohio, they must be clearly shown before you make a purchase.


Why are your rates so low?

With over 48 years in the SR22 Bond insurance business, we work with many major companies offering FR/SR22 Bonds in Ohio. Using advanced comparative rating software, we make sure you get the lowest possible price for your SR22, with no extra agency fees.

Filing and Process

How do I get my driving privileges reinstated?

The reinstatement process depends on the type of suspension that led to the loss of your driving privileges. You may need to serve a suspension period, pay a reinstatement fee, file proof of Financial Responsibility (SR22), request driving privileges through the court, and/or retake a driver’s license exam.

How long does it take to reinstate my driving privileges?

When your SR22 Bond is issued, the insurance company files your SR22 electronically with the Ohio BMV, which is the fastest way to file without going to the BMV yourself. It usually takes up to 3 business days for the BMV to process the SR22 filing. If you need to reinstate your license quickly, the quickest option is to visit a local BMV office with your SR22 form and any other required documents.

Can I get my driving privileges reinstated today?

Yes, you can restore your driving privileges the same day if you get to a local BMV office early enough with all the required documents. Click for a link to BMV Office Locations.

Can I file for an SR22 myself, or do I need an agent?

An SR22 must be filed by an insurance company. Contact us at, and we’ll handle the process for you quickly and efficiently.

What happens if I let my SR22 bond lapse?

If your SR22 bond lapses, your insurance company will notify the Ohio BMV, which can result in your license being suspended again. It’s crucial to maintain continuous coverage.

Requirements and Legal

How Does Ohio's Financial Responsibility (FR) Law Work?

To drive legally in Ohio, you must prove you can pay for damages and injuries from an accident. The state requires a minimum of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for injuries, plus $25,000 for property damage.

If you’re stopped or in an accident, you must show proof of Financial Responsibility (FR). If you can’t, you could face serious penalties, including a 2-year license suspension, a reinstatement fee of up to $550, and possible impoundment of your plates and registration.

If your license is suspended, you’ll need to pay reinstatement fees and file an SR-22 Form with the Ohio BMV. Once your SR22 Bond is issued, the insurance company will file it electronically with the BMV, which can take up to 3 business days to process.

For faster reinstatement, you can bring your SR-22 Form and other required documents to a local BMV office. We can also fax your SR-22 directly to any BMV fax number. Once payment is confirmed, your SR-22 will be ready, and you could regain your driving privileges as soon as today!

What is a Non-Compliance Suspension?

When a driver fails to show proof of insurance during a traffic stop or after an accident, a non-compliance suspension is placed on their license.

Please Note: The suspension can be lifted if valid proof of insurance at the time of the traffic stop or accident is submitted to the BMV.

More Info

I was suspended for not having insurance. Can I get occupational driving privileges?

For first-time Non-Compliance suspensions, you don’t need to go to court for driving privileges. Your privileges will be restored once you pay the reinstatement fee and file your SR-22.

For second or third Non-Compliance suspensions, limited driving privileges may be granted by a court. You’ll need to petition your local court, file an SR-22, and pay any reinstatement fees. Apply to the municipal or county court where you live. Keep in mind, the court is not required to grant limited privileges and may deny the request based on your driving record and other factors.

More Info

What are Court Suspensions?

A court can order a suspension for traffic violations, with the length of the suspension decided by the court. A license forfeiture suspension happens when a person is charged with a first, second, third, or fourth-degree misdemeanor and either fails to appear in court or doesn’t pay a court fine.

A municipal or county court can send a report to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) for anyone with an outstanding warrant. This report will prevent the person from applying for or renewing their driver’s license or vehicle registration.

Can I cancel my SR22 bond once my requirement is over?

Yes, once your requirement is over, you can switch to a standard insurance policy. Make sure the Ohio BMV confirms that you’ve met all obligations before canceling. Many of our client keep the bonds long after their need with the BMV expires. They find it to be affordable liability coverage that follows them on any car.

What happens if my SR22 requirement ends early?

If you’re notified by the Ohio BMV that your SR22 requirement is no longer necessary, you can cancel your SR22 bond. However, confirm with the BMV before making changes to your insurance. Many of our client keep the bonds long after their need with the BMV expires. They find it to be affordable liability coverage that follows them on any car.

What is the BMV Amnesty Program?

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers a driver license reinstatement fee debt reduction and amnesty program for people whose licenses are suspended due to certain violations.

More Info

Driving and Coverage

Who does the SR22/FR Bond cover?

The SR22/FR Bond covers only the person named on the bond. It pays for injuries and damages they are responsible for while driving any 4 wheel private passenger car for personal use.

Does the SR22/FR Bond cover my car?

No, the SR22/FR Bond does not cover damage to the car you’re driving. It only covers damage you cause to other people’s property, like vehicles, fences, posts, trees, or houses.

Will my SR22 bond cover multiple vehicles?

Yes, an SR22 bond can cover multiple vehicles under the same contract. Great for people with multiple vehicles and they are the only driver.

Can I get an SR22 bond if I don't own a car?

Yes, our SR22 Bonds are available for owners as well as non owners.

How does an FR/SR22 Bond differ from a non owner policy?

An FR/SR22 Bond covers you while driving any 4 wheel vehicle for personal use, whether you own it or not. On the other hand, a non-owner policy does not provide coverage when driving:
a) a vehicle you own,
b) a vehicle owned by someone in your household, or
c) any vehicle that is regularly available for your use.

I had no car when I bought my SR22 Bond and now I have a car. What do I need to do?

The FR/SR22 Bond is a minimum liability that covers the individual, not a specific vehicle. It provides the state-required minimum liability coverage for driving any 4-wheel private passenger car for personal use, whether owned or not.

As a stand-alone product, the FR/SR22 Bond meets Ohio’s Financial Responsibility Laws without needing extra coverage. If you’re the only driver of your car and just need minimum liability coverage, you can use your current insurance to meet Ohio’s FR laws. But if you want coverage beyond the minimum or need to cover other drivers using your car, you’ll need a different type of policy that applies to your vehicle.

Can I change my SR22 Bond in to a full coverage policy on my new car?

No, the SR22 Bond follows the individual, not a specific vehicle. So, if you need full coverage, you’ll have to get a new policy for that.

Who is SR22 OHIO?

Who is SR22 OHIO?

SR22 OHIO is the online division of Silverman Insurance Agency, Inc., doing business as AccuRate Insurance Agency, located just east of Cleveland, Ohio. With an Ohio Department of Insurance License Number 24403, we are Independent Insurance Agents representing top-rated insurance companies that specialize in SR22 Drivers.

As a trusted source for SR22 Bonds in Ohio for decades, we are experts in the Ohio BMV Suspension System. We are committed to offering the lowest rates and fastest service for your SR22 Bond. More info

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